Camera Angles

Adventure Pinball is fully 3D and offers a variety of camera views.  Using these effectively can really spice up your table. 

Still Cameras
Still cameras are cameras that have a specific location and optional rotation.   You can either specify an angle, or if you set the bAimAtBall property to True it will aim at the ball as it rolls past.  To enable or disable a still camera, place PB_StillCamOn and PB_StillCamOff actors where the ball will touch them.  You must make sure that the ball cannot leave an area with a still camera still activated.  In the StillCamOn properties enter the object name of the still camera you want to activate.  

Follow Cameras

If you want the camera to turn into a first person view of the ball, use PB_FollowOn and PB_FollowOff.  This will hide the ball and place the camera at the ball's location and direction.


This will zoom the camera in towards the ball, or a specific location on the table. Zooming is disabled during multiball play.

bZoomPosition property controls if the camera will zoom towards the given location, or towards the ball.

ZoomVector property has different purposes depending on bZoomPosition. If bZoomPosition is true, this contains the location you want the camera to zoom towards. If bZoomPosition is false this contains a vector distance relative from the ball.

ZoomAngle property is the angle the camera should be when the camera is fully zoomed.

ZoomTime property is the total time of the zoom effect.

ZoomSpeed property is the total time of the zoom. It should be a fraction like 0.4.

The algorithm works as follows:

The zoom factor starts at 0 and increases by ZoomSpeed until it reaches 1. The camera will remain zoomed in for a period until it is time to zoom out.

For example, if ZoomSpeed is 0.5 then is takes half a second to zoom in. If ZoomTime is 2, then it will zoom in for half a seecond, wait 1 second, then zoom out for half a second.


Camera Intros

This is used to make an intro sequence for the table. It has a list of still cameras that will be shown in sequence unless intererrupted.